My offerings

Hello, You Beautiful Soul!

You can book with me an individual session of:

  • Channeling
  • Shamanic Journeying (with Shamanic tracking)
  • Ayurvedic consultation
  • 8-step coaching program with the following steps…


Step 1: How are you - really? In the first step, with the methods of pulse diagnostics, 'shamanic tracking' of your archetypes and an open conversation, we determine your basic dosha (prakruti) and your current state (vikruti) or let's say we put up a crystal clear mirror that tells us --- how are you really. 😀


Step 2: What do you want - totally honestly? Through seven levels of questioning, we find out what and why you want in your ‘HERE and NOW Reality’.


Step 3: Get to know your daily routine! In the third step, your - that is, your unique - daily routine is 'born', considering Ayurvedic principles and shamanic guidelines based on your own - again, unique - needs.


Step 4: Adopting your daily routine! Your well-being HERE and NOW is already improving. (Yes, it is happening right NOW in this earthly Life! 😀)


Step 5: Where do you want to go from here? In the fifth step, we determine concrete goals together in the chosen field, from business or career to the field of relationships.


Step 6: Choose your PATH! In the sixth step, personal transformation already leads to a wider life transformation and new life experiences, as outlined by the previous step.


Step 7: Checking the results in the seventh step, we detect what else you might need for your Life to blossom. (Channeling from the Source or Higher consciousness comes handy here... 😀)


Step 8: I know who I am! "Know thyself and thou shalt know the universe," says the famous inscription in Delphi, Greece. And in this place you get to know the real You. Because "to know others is intelligence, but to know oneself is true wisdom" and "to master others is power, but to master oneself is supreme power." (Lao Tzu)

If any of this sharing resonates with you don’t hesitate to get in touch:

Love & Light!

About Lena

Born as a Millennial in the green pearl of Europe, even as a child I was always more of a lone wolf who preferred playing alone more than in the kids playground, books and alone time over collective gatherings, animals over human company. Being in close touch with the inner world was building my strength for later on when our family company bankrupted, leaving us without a roof over our heads, struggling in daily survival when I was in high school, until our family finally fell apart. Somewhere in-between I lost also a doggie.

The only human who felt really close to me was my husband later on, who I had met when I was 19, and spent 22 years with. Those years together were mostly accompanied with adopted doggies too. And two of them – former stray dogs from the streets of Balkans – are with me still this day, when my Love is not around in the physical anymore. And it was exactly his transitioning into the Heavenly Kingdom in January 2023 that opened widely the channel to the higher realm for me. After connecting with his beautiful Soul, other Benevolent Beings also came forward, predominantly The Drops - a collective group coming from the Source, and the Source shown to me as a vast and eternal body of pure white water - hence referred to as The Drops.

Their primary mission was to come to me to heal and uplift me after the biggest possible emotional pain left me with no spark to continue my Earthly life without my love next to me. A part of this mission The Drops have is blended with their support to other human fellows also. As I always wanted to help everyone I could (starting with kids in need with my ‘Happy House project’, followed by women in safe houses within my customized program entitled ‘Let’s balance our Life!’, stray animals thru my non-profit ‘D-Frend’, and lately people from around the globe who are brought my way as the Universe sends them…), The Drops are supporting me in my spiritual growth by offering sacred service getting the divine messages and personalized answers to others as well. I know this is my planetary mission while being a Human and in this sense - a Being of Love.

Next to channelling sessions, I also offer Ayurvedic consultations (I hold a Postgraduate Certificate in Ayurveda for Health Professionals from Alma Mater Europaea), Shamanic journeys (as a certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner through the Four Winds Society), and coaching sessions as a certified Jungian coach. I am grateful for quite vast and deep experiences in business and my own transformative coaching sessions, plus I have concluded program of Psychotherapeutic propaedeutics at the Sigmund Freud University – Ljubljana. Before that I have spent almost 20 years in media and energy business as an editor, director, event manager and company co-owner. During that time I have also done two PhDs in energy market development and an Executive MBA program.

Let me leave you with one of the channelled messages from The Drops here: “… You are an amazing being, and when you will recognize that, you will recognize the great Love – the great Source. The Source as the water which pours your Body – each and every cell of it, the water that runs for you because you physically need it, the water that pours also the Kingdom of Plant beings and the Kingdom of Animal beings, which you also have agreements with to sustain the life as you enjoy it when being hosted on Planet Earth. Now, we wish you to use your newly recognized power coming from within and directly from the Source at the same time for the highest possible Good – the good in the form of Love that will give uplift to the great Civilization of yours. You all as One can raise the Vibration of the whole planet and the Universe, as that is the only natural path of the planetary, universal and galactic Evolution. And you came here in this - in human concept - ‘time and space’ for a purpose and with a mission to take part exactly in this process. So, don’t be afraid, just play along. Just let it flow, and take a ride in it. Enjoy, dear Soul. Enjoy.” (This is a paragraph from the message channelled from The Drops for the book on Water as the essence of Life, published by the Ecocivilisation.).

If any of this sharing resonates with you don’t hesitate to get in touch:

Love & Light!


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